
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

REINVENTERRA Methodology Workshop: 27-29 May 2015

The University of the Philippines Third World Studies Center is proud to host the Reinventerra Methodology Workshop which will be held from 27 to 29 May 2015 at the Third World Studies Center Conference Room, Lower Ground Floor, Palma Hall, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of the Philippines-Diliman.

Please find below information about the workshop, as derived from its concept paper drafted by Dr. Dominique Caouette of the University of Montreal. 


Réseau d’études internationales sur la valorisation et l’exploitation de la nature, des terres et des ressources en Afrique, Asie et Amérique latine (REINVENTERRA) is an emerging research network on new forms of land-based resources appropriation related mainly to agriculture, mining, and firestry in the South. The initiative is a response to problematic modes of resource access and ownership happening at the global scale as a result of revaluation of land-based assets and heightened mobility of capital. The objective is to create a global network to improve knowledge on those issues based on the continental sub-networks. The REINVENTERRA network, which is co-chaired by the Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche en développement international et société (CIRDIS) and the Centre d’études de l’Asie de l’Est in Montreal gathers 14 associated researchers and 20 collaborators, along with 6 partner organizations from Latin America, Africa, and Southeast Asia. 


The first year of REINVENTERRA is being devoted to the construction of sub-networks in each continental region. As part of the initiatives to further the research agenda of the Asia regional sub-network, graduate students working with REINVENTERRA members have joined the project. The graduate students have been provided with funds to carry out fieldwork activities in Southeast Asia. The original research and information that will be gathered by graduate students will be key in achieving a better understanding of the specific issues in some areas of the Philippines, Indonesia and Vietnam.

In order to contribute to the training of the 12 graduate students from Canada and the Philippines who will be undertaking fieldwork in Southeast Asia during the year of 2015, a methodology workshop will be held in Manila from May 27 to 29. The general purpose of the workshop is to discuss methodological approaches and specific methods used in social sciences in a transdisciplinary fashion. The main objective will be to hold presentations and to allow for open discussions between graduate students and researchers with in-depth fieldwork experiences. The workshop will also be an open platform for presentations from thematic experts with recognized expertise in issues of mining and land transactions.

In more detail, the workshop which will stretch over two days and half, will first allow students to present their research projects by focusing on methodology. Students should have prepared a research methodology note prior to the event and will be invited to share it with other participants. The first part of the workshop will be an opportunity for each graduate student to present his research and to raise questions and issues about methodology, which will be followed by a discussion and an opportunity for students to engage with each other’s methodology. The second part of the workshop will be based on contribution of experienced researchers who will provide presentations on their fieldwork experiences and will then engage with graduate students’ work. Room will be made for the issue of data analysis, which is, what to do once data is collected. This will be followed by the participation of thematic experts who will be able to provide specific details about ways to approach fieldwork challenges in given social, cultural and institutional contexts. The third part will be a general plenary session in which students and experiences researchers will engage on an open discussion based on the questions raised by students in regard to their experience of the previous discussions.

This event will not only provide invaluable training to graduate students in Southeast Asia, but will also contribute to further the links and the research agenda of the REINVENTERRA - Asia sub-network.

The workshop is being supported by a grant from the Office of International Linkages, Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs for hosting of international conferences, meetings, and workshops.


Day One: 27 May 2015


Day Two: 28 May 2015

Day Three: 29 May 2015